Welcome to the Ultrafast Chemical Dynamics group!

In our group we develop new methods to study fundamental chemical processes. In particular we utilise new laser technologies that enable the observation of molecules and processes at their natural ultrafast timescales. We explore a number of different themes in this broad area, including:

  • How small structural changes, such as isomerism, influence chemical functionality.
  • How we can use these new technologies to develop innovative analytical instruments, for example to detect chiral molecules
  • How to introduce large biological (and other fragile) molecules intact into the gas-phase, making them amenable to our highly sensitive analytical approaches
  • How to use recent technological advances in high-energy photon sources (XUV, x-ray) to study chemical functionality

Our group is part of the Spectroscopy of Cold Molecules department (headed by Prof. Bas van de Meerakker), and we are located in the Institute for Molecules and Materials at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Head over to our Research page to find out more about what we do, or look at some recent posters in the gallery!


Olga joins the group as PhD student

Welcome to Olga who joins the group on a joint PhD-project with Joost Bakker at FELIX!
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Ana joins the group as PhD student

Ana has completed her MSc thesis – and officially joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome back Ana!
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Presentation at ISMB

Grite presented a poster at the (virtual) International Symposium on Molecular Beams – check it out here: https://ismb2021.iesl.forth.gr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ABMA_GRITE.pdf
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