
Here you will find all scientific publications from the group leader, Daniel Horke. Articles and materials written for a more general audience can be found on the Outreach pages. Recent posters from the group are in the gallery!

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Roth N, Horke D A, Lübke J, Samanta A K, Estillore A D, Worbs L, Pohlman N, Ayyer K, Morgan A, Fleckenstein H, Domaracky M, Erk B, Passow C, Correa J, Yefanov O, Barty A, Bajt S, Kirian R A, Chapman H N, Küpper J

New aerodynamic lens injector for single particle diffractive imaging Journal Article

In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 1058, pp. 168820, 2024, ISSN: 0168-9002.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: crystallography, diffractive imaging, experimental design, nanoparticles, Simulation, Single-particle imaging, XFEL



Zhuang Y, Awel S, Barty A, Bean R, Bielecki J, Bergemann M, Daurer B J, Ekeberg T, Estillore A D, Fangohr H, Giewekemeyer K, Hunter M S, Karnevskiy M, Kirian R A, Kirkwood H, Kim Y, Koliyadu J, Lange H, Letrun R, Lübke J, Mall A, Michelat T, Morgan A J, Roth N, Samanta A K, Sato T, Shen Z, Sikorski M, Schulz F, Spence J C H, Vagovic P, Wollweber T, Worbs L, Xavier P L, Yefanov O, Maia F R N C, Horke D A, Küpper J, Loh N D, Mancuso A P, Chapman H N, Ayyer K

Unsupervised Learning Approaches to Characterizing Heterogeneous Samples Using X-ray Single-Particle Imaging Journal Article

In: IUCrJ, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 204–214, 2022, ISSN: 2052-2525.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: diffractive imaging, nanoparticles, Single-particle imaging, XFEL



Ayyer K, Xavier P L, Bielecki J, Shen Z, Daurer B J, Samanta A K, Awel S, Bean R, Barty A, Bergemann M, Ekeberg T, Estillore A D, Fangohr H, Giewekemeyer K, Hunter M S, Karnevskiy M, Kirian R A, Kirkwood H, Kim Y, Koliyadu J, Lange H, Letrun R, Lübke J, Michelat T, Morgan A J, Roth N, Sato T, Sikorski M, Schulz F, Spence J C H, Vagovic P, Wollweber T, Worbs L, Yefanov O, Zhuang Y, Maia F R N C, Horke D A, Küpper J, Loh N D, Mancuso A P, Chapman H N

3D Diffractive Imaging of Nanoparticle Ensembles Using an X-Ray Laser Journal Article

In: Optica, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 15, 2021, ISSN: 2334-2536.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: diffractive imaging, nanoparticles, Single-particle imaging, XFEL



Sobolev E, Zolotarev S, Giewekemeyer K, Bielecki J, Okamoto K, Reddy H K N, Andreasson J, Ayyer K, Barak I, Bari S, Barty A, Bean R, Bobkov S, Chapman H N, Chojnowski G, Daurer B J, Dörner K, Ekeberg T, Flückiger L, Galzitskaya O, Gelisio L, Hauf S, Hogue B G, Horke D A, Hosseinizadeh A, Ilyin V, Jung C, Kim C, Kim Y, Kirian R A, Kirkwood H, Kulyk O, Küpper J, Letrun R, Loh N D, Lorenzen K, Messerschmidt M, Mühlig K, Ourmazd A, Raab N, Rode A V, Rose M, Round A, Sato T, Schubert R, Schwander P, Sellberg J A, Sikorski M, Silenzi A, Song C, Spence J C H, Stern S, Sztuk-Dambietz J, Teslyuk A, Timneanu N, Trebbin M, Uetrecht C, Weinhausen B, Williams G J, Xavier P L, Xu C, Vartanyants I A, Lamzin V S, Mancuso A, Maia F R N C

Megahertz Single-Particle Imaging at the European XFEL Journal Article

In: Commun Phys, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 97, 2020, ISSN: 2399-3650.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: diffractive imaging, nanoparticles, Single-particle imaging, XFEL



Wiedorn M O, Oberthür D, Bean R, Schubert R, Werner N, Abbey B, Aepfelbacher M, Adriano L, Allahgholi A, Al-Qudami N, Andreasson J, Aplin S, Awel S, Ayyer K, sa Bajt S, Barák I, Bari S, Bielecki J, Botha S, Boukhelef D, Brehm W, Brockhauser S, Cheviakov I, Coleman M A, Cruz-Mazo F, Danilevski C, Darmanin C, Doak R B, Domaracky M, Dörner K, Du Y, Fangohr H, Fleckenstein H, Frank M, Fromme P, nán-Calvo A M G, Gevorkov Y, Giewekemeyer K, Ginn H M, Graafsma H, Graceffa R, Greiffenberg D, Gumprecht L, Göttlicher P, Hajdu J, Hauf S, Heymann M, Holmes S, Horke D A, Hunter M S, Imlau S, Kaukher A, Kim Y, Klyuev A, ska J K, Kobe B, Kuhn M, Kupitz C, Küpper J, Lahey-Rudolph J M, Laurus T, Cong K L, Letrun R, Xavier P L, Maia L, Maia F R N C, Mariani V, Messerschmidt M, Metz M, Mezza D, Michelat T, Mills G, Monteiro D C F, Morgan A, Mühlig K, Munke A, Münnich A, Nette J, Nugent K A, Nuguid T, Orville A M, Pandey S, Pena G, Villanueva-Perez P, Poehlsen J, Previtali G, Redecke L, Riekehr W M, Rohde H, Round A, Safenreiter T, Sarrou I, Sato T, Schmidt M, Schmitt B, Schönherr R, Schulz J, Sellberg J A, Seibert M M, Seuring C, Shelby M L, Shoeman R L, Sikorski M, Silenzi A, Stan C A, Shi X, Stern S, Sztuk-Dambietz J, Szuba J, Tolstikova A, Trebbin M, Trunk U, Vagovic P, Ve T, Weinhausen B, White T A, Wrona K, Xu C, Yefanov O, Zatsepin N, Zhang J, Perbandt M, Mancuso A P, Betzel C, Chapman H, Barty A

Megahertz Serial Crystallography Journal Article

In: Nature Comm., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 4025, 2018, ISSN: 2041-1723.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: crystallography, diffractive imaging, XFEL


Wiedorn M O, Awel S, Morgan A J, Ayyer K, Gevorkov Y, Fleckenstein H, Roth N, Adriano L, Bean R, Beyerlein K R, Chen J, Coe J, Cruz-Mazo F, Ekeberg T, Graceffa R, Heymann M, Horke D A, ska J K, Mariani V, Nazari R, Oberthür D, Samanta A K, Sierra R G, Stan C A, Yefanov O, Rompotis D, Correa J, Erk B, Treusch R, Schulz J, Hogue B G, nán-Calvo A M G, Fromme P, Küpper J, Rode A V, Bajt S, Kirian R A, Chapman H N

Rapid Sample Delivery for Megahertz Serial Crystallography at X-Ray FELs Journal Article

In: IUCrJ, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 574–584, 2018, ISSN: 2052-2525.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: crystallography, diffractive imaging, experimental design, Single-particle imaging, XFEL


Awel S, Kirian R A, Wiedorn M O, Beyerlein K R, Roth N, Horke D A, Oberthür D, Knoska J, Mariani V, Morgan A, Adriano L, Tolstikova A, Xavier P L, Yefanov O, Aquila A, Barty A, Roy-Chowdhury S, Hunter M S, James D, Robinson J S, Weierstall U, Rode A V, Bajt S, Küpper J, Chapman H N

Femtosecond X-Ray Diffraction from an Aerosolized Beam of Protein Nanocrystals Journal Article

In: J Appl Cryst, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 133–139, 2018, ISSN: 1600-5767.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: diffractive imaging, nanoparticles, Single-particle imaging, XFEL



Wiedorn M O, Awel S, Morgan A J, Barthelmess M, Bean R, Beyerlein K R, Chavas L M G, Eckerskorn N, Fleckenstein H, Heymann M, Horke D A, ska J K, Mariani V, Oberthür D, Roth N, Yefanov O, Barty A, Bajt S, Küpper J, Rode A V, Kirian R A, Chapman H N

Post-Sample Aperture for Low Background Diffraction Experiments at X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers Journal Article

In: J Synchrotron Rad, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1296–1298, 2017, ISSN: 1600-5775.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: experimental design, Single-particle imaging, XFEL



Kirian R A, Awel S, Eckerskorn N, Fleckenstein H, Wiedorn M, Adriano L, Bajt S, Barthelmess M, Bean R, Beyerlein K R, Chavas L M G, Domaracky M, Heymann M, Horke D A, Knoska J, Metz M, Morgan A, Oberthuer D, Roth N, Sato T, Xavier P L, Yefanov O, Rode A V, Kupper J, Chapman H N

Simple Convergent-Nozzle Aerosol Injector for Single-Particle Diffractive Imaging with X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers Journal Article

In: Structural Dynamics, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 041717, 2015.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: diffractive imaging, experimental design, nanoparticles, Single-particle imaging, XFEL


Poster at FEMTO15

Grite is off to the FEMTO15 conference in Berlin, presenting our work on using UV-XUV pump-probe spectroscopy to follow roaming dynamics in acetaldehyde. You can also find the poster in our gallery.
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New paper in Molecules

Our latest paper on High-Throughput UV Photofragmentation is out now in Molecules – well done Siwen and Yerbolat!
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New paper in JASMS

Our latest paper on vaporization of intact neutral biomolecules using laser-based thermal desorption is out now in J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spec. – Well done Yerbolat and Siwen!
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Roger joins for BSc internship

Roger joins the group for his BSc internship – welcome!
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New paper in PCCP

Our paper on UV photofragmentation of thymine and guanine – combining continuous laser-based thermal desorption with high repetition rate fiber lasers – is out now in PCCP. Well done Siwen and Yerbolat!
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