
Welcome to our Gallery! Here you will find recent posters from the group, as well as some pictures from the lab and from the group.

Recent Posters

Impressions from the lab

Group Photos


Poster at FEMTO15

Grite is off to the FEMTO15 conference in Berlin, presenting our work on using UV-XUV pump-probe spectroscopy to follow roaming dynamics in acetaldehyde. You can also find the poster in our gallery.
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New paper in Molecules

Our latest paper on High-Throughput UV Photofragmentation is out now in Molecules – well done Siwen and Yerbolat!
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New paper in JASMS

Our latest paper on vaporization of intact neutral biomolecules using laser-based thermal desorption is out now in J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spec. – Well done Yerbolat and Siwen!
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Roger joins for BSc internship

Roger joins the group for his BSc internship – welcome!
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New paper in PCCP

Our paper on UV photofragmentation of thymine and guanine – combining continuous laser-based thermal desorption with high repetition rate fiber lasers – is out now in PCCP. Well done Siwen and Yerbolat!
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