
Welcome to our Gallery! Here you will find recent posters from the group, as well as some pictures from the lab and from the group.

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Impressions from the lab

Group Photos


New paper in JPCA

Our latest paper using coincidence double-VMI imaging to distinguish neutral and ionic multiphoton dissociation channels in molecular oxygen is out now in JPCA – well done Ana!
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Yerbolat joins as PostDoc

Yerbolat joins the group as a PostDoc to work on your NWO-funded project on electron-driven reactions – Welcome Yerbolat!
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New paper in EPJD

Our latest paper comparing continuous and pulsed laser-based desorption (LIAD) methods is out now in Eur.Phys.J. D – well done Siwen!
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New paper in JPCA

Our latest paper showing how the electrostatic deflector can be used as a tool for isomer-resolved spectroscopy is out now in JPCA – well done Grite!
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Beamtime at LCLS

Grite is off to California for measurements using LCLS at SLAC, California. Good Luck!
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